Indian cricket fans who though the 2020 IPL might get cancelled now have reason to be optimistic as it appears that the IPL could very well take place this year given the fact that the T20 World Cup in Australia scheduled for October 2020 is now under threat.

Australia Must Make Decision On T20 World Cup

The ICC had scheduled the T20 World Cup to take place in October and November; a total of 45 games would be played. A total of 15 nations were supposed to make the trip down under and create a highly anticipated tournament.

However, the corona virus pandemic has caused a lot of problems throughout the world and it could end up cancelling the T20 World Cup. Former Aussie skipper Mark Taylor said that it was a difficult proposition to organize the T20 World Cup given the amount of pressure and restrictions that have to be put in place in order to protect players from COVID-19. If the tournament was to proceed, it will most likely have to be held in empty stadiums which mean Cricket Australia loses out on ticket sales.

The ICC has so far not released any statement on whether the tournament will proceed as per plan. The decision will most likely have to be made by the Australian government and Cricket Australia. Mark Taylor is not very optimistic about the tournament proceeding as it would require the players to shuttle between different states and play across 7 stadiums.

It appears that the event could be postponed to next year and it will take place in Australia.

BCCI Pushing IPL Ahead Of T20 World Cup?

There is no official indication that the BCCI is pushing for the 2020 IPL to replace the T20 World Cup. However, it appears logical that the IPL could get slotted in for October and November. That is if the World Cup is cancelled.

The reason the IPL could take place in India is because the World Cup requires the approval of different nations and cricket boards. However, the IPL would require only the approval of each player which makes it easier to organize. Foreign players have good reason to travel to India and play the 2020 IPL; the top overseas players get massive paydays and the second string of overseas players get decent payouts too.

The BCCI would have ample time to organize the 2020 IPL; they would also be able to stage a full IPL especially if the T20 World Cup is cancelled. The biggest challenge for the BCCI would be to schedule games in locations that will not be hampered by the monsoons which are typically in full force during the last quarter of the year.

BCCI Denies Talks

The BCCI has denied putting any pressure on the ICC to make provision for the 2020 IPL in October. The BCCI played it down stating that it was waiting on Cricket Australia. And once their Australian counterpart confirmed whether the T20 World Cup was on or off, they would then act accordingly.

While the BCCI has provided a diplomatic answer, Ian Chappell has no doubt that it will do some arm-twisting.

The former Australian captain’s remarks imply that with the BCCI putting pressure, it was unlikely that Australia would play host; they would have to postpone the tournament.

In the end it might work out well for the players and the fans. The IPL takes place, players make a lot of money and the T20 World Cup is saved for later!

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